Drowned Sorrow Review


Megan Blackwood has just lost her only son in a terrible accident. Now she has come to Moonlight Creek with her teenage daughter Jenna, hoping a change of scenery might help to put her life and that of her daughter back together. But something odd is going on in Moonlight Creek. When rain falls over the village, its inhabitants commit grisly murders, leaving the place deserted with the first rays of sunshine. Beneath the lake’s surface, an eerie presence watches … and waits …. Waits to reveal a tragic past drowned in mystery and fear. One that doesn’t bode well for visitors. By the time Megan realizes that her life, as well as that of her daughter, is in danger, it may be too late to escape.



What is in the water? And where is everyone? These are the questions that plague the characters in this truly creepy story. If you have a fear of bodies of water you may not want to read this. This story will certainly make you think twice about the next time you want to take a dip in a lake. I’m a huge horror fan and I’m quickly becoming a big Vanessa Morgan fan. She knows just how to tell a story to make you re think everything you think you know. You’ll be checking your bathing suit at the door and opting for tanning over swimming after reading this one.

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